Every carefree, pleasant motion of our bodies that merges with music, every flowing brush stroke and creation is a guide to freedom.
Perceiving, accepting, and moving the body in new ways can help to experience one's life story in new ways. The potential of healing and creative powers in movement and body awareness is limitless.
After more than 20 years of international teaching in Middle Eastern and fusion dance, my career has culminated in the direction of dance and art therapy. Since 2014, I have been working with non-verbal therapeutic tools, and currently, as a psychology student, I am striving to deepen my knowledge in the field of cognitive psychology.

NATURE DANCE - a holistic dance and art activity that I recommend for those who want to explore and deepen the path of self-knowledge through non-verbal means, using dance and art therapy tools. No dance knowledge is required for these sessions. We work with spiritual practices and creations linked through free movements. (You can encounter this program during our Nő7x retreats)
NATURE DANCE PROJECT and MODERN FUSION DANCE - my sessions are for dancers focusing on creativity, technique, artistic vision, performance skills, deeply meaningful movements, and confidence-building. I would like to pass on my many years of stage experience through these programs, helping artists to fully realize their potential. (You can encounter this program at workshops, private lessons, and the Fusion Forest summer camp.)
Movement experimentation reminds us of the experiential world of our early stages of life. From the skin stimulation of gentle touches to stronger physical contact (with the ground, another person), stimulating our deep muscle and tendon receptors, and experiencing the various qualities of spatial awareness, both physical and emotional responsiveness develop simultaneously, along with body awareness, improvisation skills, and the differentiation of the internal body image.
“My mission is to teach you to love yourself through your movements.”

Performing Experience
dance & choreography
Theatrical dance experiences
International Dance Festival artist 2010 to present invitations as a teacher, performer and judge
GoldenScarf-Arabic Folklore Dance Theater 2007 director and choreographer
EffendiArabicFolkDanceCompany2005-2010 founder and instructor
Moonrise Andalusian Dance Theater 2005-2005 /dancer and co-choreographer /
Merlin International Theater Budapest
Art of Orient 2004-2007
dancer and co-choreographer of the first Hungarian professional oriental dance company
Hungarian Polytechnic College /Hungary/ Costume Designer and Engineer 2002-2005
Egyptian Master Courses, folklore studies 2000-2012
Endre Jeszenszky Ballet School /Hungary/ 1988-1992
Since 2021 - Student of Integrate dance therapy association
2nd place Bellydance World Cup 2005 Ahlan Wa Sahlan Festival, Cairo
Best dance group and choreography 2004 International Raqs Sharky Festival, Budapest
Costume Designer of the year 2010
2021 Hollywood RaksFilm Festival - 7 nominations and Producer’s Choice Award with the LOTUS SUTRA dance video
Invitation Highlights
US Tour 2014,2015, 2016, 2017
Japan Tour 2015, 2016, 201
Moscow Bellydance World Cup judge 2014, 2015, 2017
Jaén Bellysur Festival Artist 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2023
Since 2015:
Started performing and teaching her modern dance based fusion style World wide.
D.N.A. Dance, Nature, Art
retreat camp - Kelowna /Canada/
Form&Content dance method based weekend long theraphy.
Since 2021:
Nő7x dance retreat programs /Hungary/
Therapeutic dance, sound therapy and self knowledge program with horses
Since 2023:
Student of psychology at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca
Owner & Designer at SCHAFER Fashion